Our favorite Community Cat Club event ever is back!
We are so excited to be partnering with Upcycle Fitness in Collingswood to host Kitten Yoga at their beautiful studio on Haddon Ave. Upcycle is an independent, woman-owned and operated, fitness studio located in the heart of Downtown Collingswood. Since 2015, they've offered group indoor cycling, barre, yoga and strength classes in their boutique studio setting (along with online classes!) and they are a neighborhood staple. Upcycle is community focused and their goal is to harbor a safe, inclusive, and motivating wellness environment for folks of all lifestyles and fitness levels.
We kicked off our first class of the series on Sunday October 1st during a beautiful afternoon with six of our star fosters : Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Isabelle, Morgan, and Greg
Historically, our yoga classes have been much larger but with a attendee capped at 15, we felt this would be a much more intimate and enjoyable class for all in attendance as well as for the kittens! Check out a video recap of the session along with a photo gallery at the bottom of this post!
Here's how these classes come together :
First, we get the studio prepped with bowls of food and water in case anyone gets the munchies or thirsties. Then, we set up two small cardboard trays as our makeshift litter boxes (just in case!). Lastly, we check around the room for any areas that may need to kitten-proofed. They're curious, small, and love to explore every possible nook and cranny in every room they encounter so we secure off any areas we don't want them to wander into.
Once the room is prepared, we release the kittens to explore and get comfortable with the empty space. We like to do this within 30-60 minutes before the yogis arrive. Then we carefully allow the attendees to enter the studio, set down their mats, and let the kittens adjust to their new friends and layout change to the room. We'll keep one carrier out in case the kittens need a safe place to rest during class and the fosters will be on hand for extra comfort.
During the start of the class, we allow the kittens roam naturally, play with toys, and eat treats, however we have a few Community Cat Club volunteers on hand to help 'wrangle' the kittens so that everyone in class gets some proper one-on-one time with the fosters. We'll take photos and videos of all the mischief and interact with members of class to answer any questions. Unlike your typical yoga class, there's a lot of laughter and group interaction within the class.
Why do we love this event?
It's fun for everyone, duh!
We love getting to share in the joy and excitement of this unique experience. We get to talk about Community Cat Club, our mission in the community, help find our fosters incredible forever homes, and most importantly, it's actually incredibly beneficial for our fosters. Cats are notorious for hating change but the more positive exposures they have to things like being in their carriers, riding in the car, socializing with other humans, socializing with other cats, just generally being out in the world, the more comfortable they will be when settling into their forever homes and beyond!
It doubles as an adoption event!
It's good for your health!
Everyone benefits!
More Kitten Yoga Coming
Now there's good news and bad news (depending on how you look at it) - all of our classes at Upcycle Fitness through January are currently full! We're overwhelmed by the support of our community and the enthusiasm for this fundraising event! If you missed out, you can still put your name on the waitlist for any of the upcoming classes in case spots become available in the days leading up to or the day of! Head to the event page and find the link to Upcycle's class schedule in order to add your name to the list. You can also sign up for their newsletter and be the first to know if more classes are added.